What is UHRS?
Earn extra money work from home on UHRS platform. UHRS stands for Universal Human Relevance System. It is a web-based platform for online work. You can earn extra money by doing small tasks on UHRS platform.
UHRS provides small jobs "hitapps" for home workers on the platform,It includes the classification and verification of online information on search relevance, image annotation, text annotation, video annotation.
How Do You Gain Access To UHRS?
UHRS partners with crowdsourcing companies such as ClickWorker, OneForma, Telus International, Appen, Teamwork.ai. To get access to UHRS you can get access to UHRS by registering with the crowdsourcing company mentioned above.
How to access UHRS through TELUS International?
To access UHRS through Telus International you must first sign up on the Telus International platform.
Website to sign up: https://www.telusinternational.ai/cmp/signup
After signing up for Telus International, you have to update your profile, go to a job search and apply for the AI Community Surfer (formerly known as Search Engine Evaluator) - English project in the available jobs.
AI Community Surfer (formerly known as Search Engine Evaluator) - English You will need a Windows Live id to apply.
After applying for the AI Community Surfer (formerly Search Engine Evaluator) - English project, you will receive a project agreement email from Telus International on your registered email within 8 to 10 days. After the agreement, you will get an online qualification test email. After passing the online qualifying exam, you will get access to the UHRS platform.
How to access UHRS through ClickWorker?
To access UHRS through ClickWorker you must first sign up on the ClickWorker platform.
Website to sign up: https://workplace.clickworker.com/en/users/new
Sign up by going to https://workplace.clickworker.com/en/users/new website. After your ClickWorker account is created, you can apply for UHRS. To get UHRS work on the ClickWorker platform, you have to pass a live assessment. Required which tests your skills.You will need Windows Live id ClickWorker Platform as required.
Task Type on UHRS Platform –
1. Search relevance : Identifying query-results, relevance events, entity classification
2. Image annotation : Classify images, semantic segmentation, object detection
3. Other : Ad hoc data collection tasks, information correction/moderation, and survey
4. Text annotation : Identify sentiment of a tweet, and document classification
5. Video annotation : Video relevance for search query, video tracking, object detection
6. Speech transcription : Validating audio to text, conversation, and relevance
What kind of Work/tasks does the UHRS platform offer?
UHRS offers functions such as Image Annotation, Search Relevance, Text Annotation, Speech Transcription, Video Annotation, Other Tasks to help search engines present users with the best results for queries.
How much can you earn on the UHRS platform?
You can earn extra by doing good work from home on UHRS platform. When work is available on UHRS platform, you can earn $4 to $7 per hour (India). Each country has different hourly rates on the UHRS platform. Each task on the UHRS has a different rate.